Anfield Consulting is now Arrow Group - New website coming
Florida’s premier boutique lobbying firm specializing in Environmental Resources, Healthcare, Business Regulation and Municipal Government Representation.
Florida’s premier boutique lobbying firm specializing in Environmental Resources, Healthcare, Business Regulation and Municipal Government Representation.
Our Mission
The Anfield family works diligently, every single day- to be the best lobbying firm in Florida. We have established a reputation of being ethical, hard working, and well respected- and always interact with our clients, public officials, peers and each other with honesty, candor, and integrity.
Kevin Johnson, President Advanced Diagnostic Group, Akumin
With over 100 years of collective experience- we're uniquely positioned in the government affairs space as a firm that is of a size that allows our clients access to, and service from every member of the firm.
Advocating for issues before local, legislative, and executive branches of Florida Government
Monitoring legislation adverse to your interests
Making C-suite introductions
Vendor lobbying/procurement
Securing Appropriations and Grant Procurement
Managing Associations
Development Consulting
for water infrastructure projects for private and local government clients.
for transportation projects for multiple clients.
in supplemental child welfare services, substance abuse, mental health, and direct health care services.
The Florida Keys Stewardship Act.
The Polk County Water Cooperative.
Everglades Restoration legislation.
Water Quality Enhancement Area legislation (water quality credit trading).
Water quality protection legislation (biosolids and stormwater management).
Professional Certification Programs for various health care and human services direct care professions.
Expanded property tax rebate portability form 2-3 years via the passage of a constitutional amendment
Criminal Justice reforms including a statewide civil citation program, juvenile sentencing reforms, and extensive data collection.
Passed legislation to further professionalize and credential child protective investigators, and child welfare workers in the foster care system,.
Certified all Guardian ad Litem and targeted case managers and peer counselors in mental health and substance abuse services.
Expanded the property tax exemption for widows and widowers- as well as veterans and first responders.
Jeff Huenink, CEO / Sea & Shoreline